013 8144801 - 806


Flag Day

Welcome Ramadan

Founding Day

Pink Day

Yellow Day

100 Day of School

Fun Sale

Sports Day

Teddy Bear Picnic

Hygiene Week

Green Day

Brown Day

Childrens Day

Sustainability Week

Blue Day

Field Trip

Character Day

Saudi National Day

Safety Awareness Week

World Peace Day

Red Day

Quran Recitation

Investure Cermony

Ice-cream Day

Friendship Day

Back to School


Saudi Flag Day

Welcome Ramadan

Founding Day

Sports Day

Pet Day

Brown Day

Field Trip

Yellow Day

Childrens Day

Character Day

Safety Awareness

Blue Day

Field Trip

Green Day

Saudi National Day

Cooking Class

Investiture Ceremony

Red Day

Friendship Day

Back to School

Graduation Day

Welcoming Ramadan

Founding Day

100 Day of School

Pink Day

Character Day

Sports Day

Pet Day

University Visit

Model United Nation

Field Trip

Childrens Day

Safety Awareness week

Greener world Week

Green Day

Teachers Day

Investiture Ceremony

Saudi National Day

Friendship Day

Red Day

Back to School

Orange Day

Welcome Ramadan

International Day

Teddy Bear Picnic

Founding Day

Model United Nations

Health and hygiene week

Arabic Language Day

Cooking Class

Childrens Day

Green Day

Blue Day

Investiture Ceremony

Saudi National Day

Red Day

Grandparents Day

Friendship Day

Mothers Day

Teddy Bear Picnic

International Day

Health and Hygiene

Childrens Day

King Salman’s Accession - Girls

King Salman’s Accession - Boys

Safety Awareness Week - Boys

Safety Awareness Week - Girls

Saudi National Day - Girls

Saudi National Day - Boys

Saudi National Day - KG

Grandparents Day - Boys

Friendship Day - Boys

Red Day

Grandparents Day - Girls

Friendship Day

Back to School

Model United Nations

International Day-Boys

International Day-Girls

100th Day of School- Boys

100th Day of School- Girls

Fun Sale

Greener World Week

Green Day

Field Trip - KG

Childrens Day-KG

Sports Day-Girls

Children's Day-Girls

Children's Day-Boys

Health and Hygiene-Boys

Sports Day-Boys

Baking Day-Girls


Health and Hygiene-KG

Blue Day

Art Competition-Boys


Art Competition

Academic Awards-Boys

Grandparents Day-Boys

Safety Awareness Week-Girls

Safety Awareness Week-Boys

Saudi National Day-Girls

Investiture Ceremony

Saudi National Day

Red Day

Saudi National Day - Boys

Quran Recitation-Boys

Quran Recitation: Girls

Friendship Day - Boys

Friendship Day - Girls

Welcome Day-Girls

Welcome Day-Boys

Jungle Day

Recycling Week

International Day

Fun Day

Clay Modelling Competition

Dhahran Expo

Yellow Day

International Day

Drawing and Colouring

Model United Nations

Fun Sale - Boys

Teddy Bear Picnic

Greener World Week

Green Day

Sports Day - Girls

Elocution Competition

Sports Day - Boys

Poetry & Elocution Competition

Health & Hygiene Week - Girls

Community Helper Activity

Show & Tell Activity - Girls

Health and Hygiene - Boys

Field Trip - Boys

Friendship Day - Boys

Field Trip - KG

Cooking Class - KG

Academic Awards-Girls

Honour Roll-Boys


Pet Day - KG

Field Trip - Girls

Blue day-KG

Health & Hygiene Week - KG

Character Day-KG

Character Day-Boys

Red Day-KG

Quran Competition-Girls

Quran Recitation-Boys

Saudi National Day-KG

Saudi National Day-Girls

Saudi National Day-Boys

Safety Awareness Week-KG

Safety Awareness Week-Girls

Fire and Safety Week-Boys

Welcome Day-Girls

Welcome Day-Boys

Contact us

  • address Corner of Prince Sultan Bin Fahad Bin Abdulaziz Road, Al Imam Al Nawawie Street,
    AL Khobar 34235.
  • phone013 8144801 - 806


Useful Links